lofi is meant to be honest

Sunday, January 23, 2011

in the darkness of fall and winter

So-- I had a bunch of songs that I recorded around the house during the dark hours of fall and winter. I figured  I would just release them as a free album, and throw on a few old songs that were sitting around staring at me.

What came about was "In the Darkness of Fall and WInter"; many of the songs were recorded in different places in and outside of my house. Just one take. Me sitting with a guitar or banjo, and trying to capture the mood that I was feeling. Yep-- there are bad notes and mistakes, but I felt that the honesty of that moment was more important. Its the flaws that makes it human.

You can dowload it here:

if you like it, share it.  Stay tuned...upcoming radio interview...will keep you posted.